Cycling in the Mangroves: Photo Blog

Cycling in the Mangroves of south Kolkata

My Cycle

bicycle costed me only INR 600

bicycle costed me only INR 600

Take a new Trail

taking a new trail is superfun

taking a new trail is superfun

Working without the fear of snakes

he was curious to know the intruder on cycle

he was curious to know the intruder on cycle

Could not click the snake



Getting closer to the village

'pukur' - bengali word for a 'pond'

‘pukur’ – bengali word for a ‘pond’

I was shocked to see this guy there .lol.
“A Happydent Smile could give the whole village some light”

wonder what was he doing up there

wonder what was he doing up there

A mother protecting her babies

the nest was in total danger

the nest was in total danger

and they all came to see the intruder

and they all came to see the intruder

Someone was happy to see me

at least someone was happy to see me

at least someone was happy to see me

Invitation did come for tea ‘Chaa as they say in bengali’

but no way to walk n enter this house

but no way to walk n enter this house

On my way back it had started raining

my bag needs a rain coat

my bag needs a rain coat

resting near a pukur

resting near a pukur

Chai time

chai time

chai time

got myself clicked too

got myself clicked too

Renting a boat to cross Ganga

River Ganga: i rented a boat to reach the city side

River Ganga: i rented a boat to reach the city side

rented a boat to reach the city side

rented a boat to reach the city side

I don’t like the city Kolkata much but the village side is worth staying for months.
The “pukurs” (ponds) are so clean in the backcountry that people from the village don’t give a second thought before going for a swim even though reptiles are found everywhere in the mangroves.

Villages covered: Rassapunja , Charaktala , Raipur & a few more !

Warm Regards
Rohit Khattar